Nov 16, 2018 | admin | 1079 views
Our Goals for 2018/19
Goals for 2018/19
Stix n’ Pix has three
areas of focus for this coming year:
1) Provide financial
support for individuals who cannot afford to play hockey.
We have contacted all
the coaches in Norfolk to let them know that no child should miss the
opportunity to play, have equipment of participate in the game of hockey due to
financial need. We are continuing to promote the game of hockey/skating and
have partnered with Norfolk County and Bauer First Shift to introduce young
children to hockey.
2) Instrumental musical instruction for children of families with financial need. Learning to play a musical instrument can provide a child with a lifelong passion. We believe that this is a privilege that many families cannot afford and therefore we have partnered with Erie Music of Simcoe to offer 20 instrumental music lessons to 20 children in Norfolk.
3) Provide financial support to youth who pursue either hockey or music beyond Norfolk. We want to see our youth reach their full potential and to reach for the stars. Often this means that they need to compete or seek out education beyond our community. So, we are offering financial assistance to young people form our community who are excelling in either music or hockey who are continuing to grow as musicians or hockey players.